Hello everybody,
this is Profesor Jake and welcomeback to a new activity with a lot of information, games and challenges
First of all I would like to celebrate a very important day:
All we are saying is: "give peace a chance"
All we are saying is: "give peace a chance"
Click on Peace Day and listen to how John Lennon, his wife and many other people sang this hymn to ask for a chance for peace.
Let's play our favorite game with the wish that these are the only battles and wars in the world.
Today we are going to learn a lot about the MOST powerful piece the QUEEN
Click HERE to watch the video
Click HERE to download the instructions and then solve the Challenges bellow
(Remember they are in both Spanish and English)
After watching the VIDEO and reading about the Queen, find out:
In what century was the Queen's piece, as we know it today, created?
Después de ver el VIDEO y leer sobre la Reina, descubre:
¿En qué siglo nació la pieza de la Reina, tal y como la conocemos hoy en día?
Challenge for beginners: Reto para principiantes
Mueven las blancas. Hay una forma en que las blancas promueven un peón sin que pueda capturarlo la torre negra. Esto requiere varios movimientos. ¿Qué hacen las blancas?
White to move. How does White promote a pawn without the black rook being able to capture the promoted piece?
Solution last challenge (the sixth January 16th)
¡Las blancas pueden promover
cualquiera de los peones pasados! Si la torre negra captura la pieza promovida,
el otro peón la captura y se promueve.
White can promote any of the passed pawns! If the black rook captures
the promoted piece, the other pawn captures it and is promoted.
And that's all for this week, see you soon and remember to send me your solutions, questions, comments, and ideas.
See you soon and keep playing
or via whatsapp to 682336170
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