The Pawns

3.- The pawn

They are called the soldiers in this battle. Its name comes from the infant soldiers. They go on foot and usually they are in charge of become the martyrs of the battle.

There are 8 pawns per team (the most numerous pieces).

It moves one by one square but at the beginning, it can move 2 squares in a row.

It can capture as any other piece, but only moving one step in diagonal and taking the place of the other piece. If there is any other piece in front of it the pawn will be blocked.

When they are in a competition their value is one point each, and when moving they do not use any letter, until they have promoted into another piece.

Special features:

Promotion: pawns are the only piece can promote when reaching the opposite line 1 (for black pawns) or 8 (for white ones). He can become into a Queen, a Knight, a Bishop or a Rook, never into a King.

When promoting the pawn moves one square forward, not like capturing. That is that the front square has to be empty.

Here you are some examples:

Pawn in passing (en peasant): both terms are correct, probably the second option is the most common.

This movement is a Little strange because the pawn can capture without moving one step in diagonal, as usual, but moving one step forward. This movement, like in castling, can be made once (but in this case once per pawn).

How does it work? 
White pawn moves.

Did you know?

The name in Spanish “Peón” comes from peasant, but in other languages they refer to the infant soldiers.

The pawns can move one step forward every time but at the beginning, when they start moving they can move to squares forward in a row. This rule came from Spain at the end of the XIII century.

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