Solution Activity 3rd Season 2 The Knight

As always I am impressed with your wonderful and creative solutions:

My solution for the first activity is working fantastically in a school and is been done by 6th and 2nd graders. I will show you the progress.

In the other hand the challenge with the Knight:

My first idea was next:

but you have plenty of good solutions there you are some of them:

GB3A23 from Gonzalo de Berceo (Logroño) showed it in a video:

From Logroño agein but CEIP Duquesa de la Victoria David Explora and his sister enjoyed making a Knight:

Estrella from Agustinas sent us both challenges:
 an original Knight-Unicorn
And the Knight challenge
Groot from Escolapias a colorful solution for the challenge:

Leyre from Rey Pastor " WONDERFUL videos:
A musical solution for the Challenge:

And a incredible video the making of her piece:

The last solution was sent by "The Fast" from Escolapios (he told us that the program do not let him add 9 pawns so he added a Rook nice solution):

One more solution from Logroño Emperatriz made a fantastic Knight:

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