Solution Activity 11th Openings

Once again I am delighted with your solutions

Thanks a lot for your participation

The solution is: 20 different openings.

There are Twenty possible first moves for the white pieces:
2 per Pawn X 8 Pawns plus 2 per Knight X 2 Knights:

As usual I have been enjoying with your solutions much better than mines.

Alien from Nájera shows us in this video his openings and tricks and, very important why he does like this:

Really interesting bravo 

"Mal" teaches us 6 different openings in Chess with their correct explanation into English

From Logroño in Jesuítas Cascanueces and his brother Pepaiti send us a video with the solutions:

They told us too that they are on level 7 in the APP “La era del Ajedrez” (I have to admit that I am at that level too) HEHEHEHE!

In the same level is our friend GB2º23 from Logroño.

Really hard working people.

Another couple of brother and sister which I love them so much: “Tortilla” and “Puente Va” from Logroño (El Arco)
Sent us a video with the solutions and they support this with a drawing:

Nube2005 from Alto Cidacos shows us the same with a (PicPac) video. Excellent tool I see you are using very creatively:

Leyre RPcuarto11 from Logroño (Rey Pastor) teaches us with PicPac APP:

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The eleventh Menudas Piezas

Hi there, how long without seen us. Hello everybody this is Profesor Jake and welcomeback to a new activity Desde el pasado viernes 12 podem...