8th Activity Solutions...


This time we have returned to pure chess activities:

Here you are my solutions, but I rather prefer yours.

For the first activity if you move the White Rook to f8++ the Black King has no escape with the help of the White King covering f,g, and h 7.

For the second you can move the Queen qh2++ It is protected by the black bishop on c7:

And for the third activity:
First of all, as I tell you in the hint, we sacrifice the White Queen by capturing the black pawn on h5

Now the black pieces have to defend the "Check" by capturing the White Queen with the black Rook on h6: Rxqh5

Now what white pieces needed is done; the position for  the white Bishop on d3 Bg6++

Well that's all from me... Now my favourite part:


Cascanueces & Pepaiti from Jesuítas in Logroño showed their very energetic Checkmate:
Activity 2

Activity 1

Activity 3

Our friend Chess Girl from Duquesa de la Victoria (Logroño) gave us her explanations by whassap:

Mal from Agustinas made some very didactic drawings:

From Logroño, School Rey Pastor: RP cuarto 11 Showed us a very interesting video:

While her School mate Mar, from Rey Pastor aswell sent us some pics with the answers:

There has been solutions from Nájera: Super m
sent us an image and an audiotelling how cool is the activity:

The Fast from Escolapios sent us some videos:


Little Mermaid from La Guindalera in Logroño sent us her solutions in two images, here you are:

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The eleventh Menudas Piezas

Hi there, how long without seen us. Hello everybody this is Profesor Jake and welcomeback to a new activity Desde el pasado viernes 12 podem...