7th Activity solution

It has been great watching your videos, e-books, and pictures.

There you are at the bottom of this page.

I send you the solutions to the chess activities:

Remember there can be more than one correct answer and… This is a game, an ancient game and the competition is just an excuse to grow oneself.

For the first challenge,the rook can capture all the black pieces in at least 7 moves:

For the second one the mysterious piece is a bishop, although a Queen would be correct aswell:

Now it is time for your works and e-books:

Cascanueces from Jesuítas school sent us his videos:


Chess Girl from CEIP Duquesa de la Victoria shows us how she solved the problem:

A girl "Mal" from "Agustinas sent us a couple of pictures with the solutions: 

From CEIP Gonzalo de Berceo in Logroño GB2º23 sent us the videos with the solutions:

With the Rook in 7 moves:

With a Bisho or a Queen:

I love books about pirates:
"Luna" 2nd grade from Alesanco shares her own version: BOOK

I think it is amazing

Another video has been sent by RPcuarto11Leyre from Rey Pastor School:

More Storyjumpers:

Arendelle from CEIP Bretón de los Herreros sent us her BOOK

And from CEIP Sancho III in Nájera Superm160 sent us his storyjumper about ghosts in this BOOK

Thank you very much to ALL

I have enjoyed a lot and I DO hope you too.

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the twelfth, girls and chess

 Hello everybody this is Profesor Jake and welcome to a new activity, I have been thinking about this topic for a long time. How is it possi...