Hi every one, here we are again with a brand new season.
Welcome everybody to your blog where you can find many things about Chess, fun and surprises.
This year we have three blokcs in each activity:
An explanation about facts and rules and tricky things about Chess with challenges and classical diagrams to break your smart minds.
An interview to people and organizations related to Chess activities, expecially educative chess.
And a contest where you have to guess the escape-blog with an especial raffle among all the detective-participants who solve the puzzle every two weeks.
So let's start with the season and its new activities.
You can press here to download or continue reading
On the third page you can find the challenges, send the solutions via email to explorajake@gmail.com or via whatsapp to 682336170 telling you name, surname, nickname and school where you study, I will send you personal correction an a participation card for the very first activity you can collect for the future.
You can watch the new video with many explanations (sorry this week is longer)
- We explain the chessboard
- How to name the chess pieces in English and Spanish
- Practice the challenge to improve your Chess
- Explicamos el tablero de ajedrez
- Cómo nombrar las piezas en Español e Inglés
- Practicar un reto para mejorar tu ajedrez
COME ON!! Try it
If you have any question, need help or any suggestion just tell me and I will try to answer as soon as possible.
The interview, this week I'd like to ask you for some help.
DO you know anybody who plays chess and teaches chess at school or any organization?
Ask him/her if she or he wants to tell us about his her job
I will be pleased to have an appointment with that interesting person.
and finally the SCAPE BLOG
Profesor Jake was assigned to a special mission, Mr. X sent Jake a strange and misterious letter:
Now You have read the misterious letter you can see the first puzzle
And here you are the first HINT
Chess is a board game, a sport and many things more and the most important piece is the KING. (press here to know everything about how it moves)
Although this piece is the MOST important, he is not the most powerful, it moves fordwad, backwards and in diagonal but only ONE square, so he is not the fastest.
How many moves does he need to visit ALL the squares on the Chessboard starting from e-6?
If you have the answer (a number) send it to Profesor Jake (explorajake@gmail.com) or whatsapp 682336170 with your name, nickname and school before next activity on 21st October 2021 and you will receive a hint to participate in a big raffle.