jueves, 10 de octubre de 2024

1st of the 8th season (October 10th)

Hello, everybody this is Profesor Jake and welcome back to a new season.

For children, chess is a stimulating and fun activity.

For parents and educators, chess is a means to help children develop patience, self-esteem, logical thinking skills, and the ability to concentrate.

This blog is primarily for children who are curious about chess from an educational perspective.

It teaches the basic rules, the movements of the pieces, challenges and their relationship with many other areas.

Para los niños, el ajedrez es una actividad estimulante y divertida. Para padres y educadores, el ajedrez es un medio para ayudar al niño a desarrollar la paciencia, la autoestima, las habilidades del pensamiento lógico y la capacidad de concentración.

Este blog es principalmente para los niños que se acercan con curiosidad al ajedrez desde su vertiente educativa.

Enseñar las reglas básicas, los movimientos de las piezas, desafíos y relación con muchas otras áreas.

Every 2 weeks I'm posting some activities for several levels of players

You can send me the solutions whenever you can, it doesn't matter if one or more solutions, at the same time you can help us to improve with your comments and suggestions

Be kind and polite 

About Challenges

If you are having trouble understanding a challenge, just write to me and I will answer the best I can

I will surely help you.

First, there are canbe more than 2 challenges, one of them is for beginners (in green chessboards) and then more challenges related to the videos or the topic of the fortnight.

This week we are working with the chessboard:

Watch the video

And answer next questions:

Centre of the chess board:____

Corner: ____

Queen side: _____

King side: ______

Edge: _____

name the parts of the chessboard

write the diagonals: 
YELLOW: h7 - g8


The black moves. the white pawn is about to promote. Where does the bishop go to capture the pawn before?

Hint: there can be more than 1 solution.

see you very soon and remember enjoy play, enjoy and learn with CHESS

hasta pronto y recuerda juega, aprende y disfruta con el AJEDREZ

And that's all for this week, see you soon and remember to send me your solutions, questions, comments, and ideas.

See you soon and keep playing

Remember send your challenges, comments and solutions to
or via whatsapp to 682336170


jueves, 16 de mayo de 2024

Activity 13th The Last One

Hello everybody this is Profesor Jake and welcome back to a new activity.

Esta es la última actividad de la temporada hijo me gustaría que fuera especial.

Estoy seguro de que puedes jugar al ajedrez en la escuela.

¿Hace cuánto que juegas al ajedrez?

¿Quién fue la primera persona que te enseñó ajedrez?

¿Juegas ajedrez en la escuela?

En mi escuela lo hacemos

Hace tres años empezamos a jugar ajedrez los martes, al principio jugábamos en la biblioteca, pero... hubo un problema enorme, éramos más de 50 personas así que no teníamos suficiente espacio, entonces la directora nos dejó jugar. en la cantina y salón de actos del gran colegio

Todos los martes desde el mediodía hasta las 12:30 nos reunimos en el salón de actos y jugamos al ajedrez, somos tanta gente que necesitamos comprar más tableros y piezas de ajedrez. Niños de 1º a 6º vienen aquí a disfrutar, compartir y aprender ajedrez.

Al mismo tiempo hay un taller para que los alumnos de 3º y 4º aprendan a jugar al ajedrez y realicen actividades relacionadas con nuestro juego favorito. Tiene una duración de 6 semanas y trabajamos juntos en grupos pequeños para que sea realmente divertido y todos puedan aprender y mejorar sus habilidades.

 En el vídeo se ven las bondades que conlleva el ajedrez.

This is the last activity of the season son I would like it to be special.

I am sure you can play chess at school.

How long have you been playing chess?

Who was the first person who taught you chess?

Do you play chess at school?

At my school, we do it

Three years ago we started playing chess on Tuesdays, at first we played in the library, but... there was a huge problem, there were more than 50 people so we didn't have enough space, so the director let us play in the “canteen and assembly hall” of the school

Every Tuesday from 12:00 to 12:30 we meet in the assembly hall and play chess, there are so many people that we need to buy more chessboards and pieces. Children from 1st to 6th come here to enjoy, share and learn chess.

At the same time, there is a workshop for 3rd and 4th grade students to learn how to play chess and carry out activities related to our favorite game. It lasts 6 weeks, we work together in small groups to make it fun, and everyone can learn and improve their skills.

In the video, you can see the benefits that chess brings.

RETO                                                                          CHALLENGE

This week's challenge consists on filling this form

answer some questions and help us to know about what you do with chess in your school

El reto de esta semana consiste en rellenar este formulario

responde algunas preguntas y ayúdanos a saber qué haces con el ajedrez en tu escuela

see you very soon and remember enjoy play, enjoy and learn with CHESS

hasta pronto y recuerda juega, aprende y disfruta con el AJEDREZ

And that's all for this week, see you soon and remember to send me your solutions, questions, comments, and ideas.

See you soon and keep playing

Remember send your challenges, comments and solutions to
or via whatsapp to 682336170

or via Twitter @ProfesorJake 

Remember I'll see you next June the 6th on our great Explora Festival, with lots of surprises, games and lots of friends and fun

Till then enjoy with chess and with Explora

Recuerda que te veo el próximo 6 de junio en nuestro gran Festival Explora, con muchas sorpresas, juegos y muchos amigos y diversión.

Hasta entonces disfruta con el ajedrez y con Explora

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2021

Hello every body this is the fifth

Hi every one, here we are again with a brand new season.

Welcome everybody to your blog where you can find many things about Chess, fun and surprises.

This year we have three blokcs in each activity:

An explanation about facts and rules and tricky things about Chess with challenges and classical diagrams to break your smart minds.

An interview to people and organizations related to Chess activities, expecially educative chess.

And a contest where you have to guess the escape-blog with an especial raffle among all the detective-participants who solve the puzzle every two weeks.

So let's start with the season and its new activities.

You can press here to download or continue reading

On the third page you can find the challenges, send the solutions via email to explorajake@gmail.com or via whatsapp to 682336170 telling you name, surname, nickname and school where you study, I will send you personal correction an a participation card for the very first activity you can collect for the future.

You can watch the new video with many explanations (sorry this week is longer)

  • We explain the chessboard
  • How to name the chess pieces in English and Spanish
  • Practice the challenge to improve your Chess
Puedes ver el vídeo nuevo con muchas explicaciones (lo siento esta semana es más largo)
  • Explicamos el tablero de ajedrez
  • Cómo nombrar las piezas en Español e Inglés
  • Practicar un reto para mejorar tu ajedrez

COME ON!! Try it

If you have any question, need help or any suggestion just tell me and I will try to answer as soon as possible.

The interview, this week I'd like to ask you for some help.

DO you know anybody who plays chess and teaches chess at school or any organization? 

Ask him/her if she or he wants to tell us about his her job

I will be pleased to have an appointment with that interesting person.

and finally the SCAPE BLOG

Profesor Jake was assigned to a special mission, Mr. X sent Jake a strange and misterious letter:

Now You have read the misterious letter you can see the first puzzle

And here you are the first HINT

Chess is a board game, a sport and many things more and the most important piece is the KING. (press here to know everything about how it moves)

Although this piece is the MOST important, he is not the most powerful, it moves fordwad, backwards and in diagonal but only ONE square, so he is not the fastest.

How many moves does he need to visit ALL the squares on the Chessboard starting from e-6?

If you have the answer (a number) send it to Profesor Jake (explorajake@gmail.com) or whatsapp 682336170 with your name, nickname and school before next activity on 21st October 2021 and you will receive a hint to participate in a big raffle.

Si tienes la respuesta envíala por correo a explorajake@gmail.com o por whastapp al 682336170 con tu nombre, apodo y colegio antes de la próxima actividad el 21 de octubre de 2021 y recibirás una pista para participar en un gran sorteo.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019

The Queen Elizabeth on the Chess😏

Hello everybody this video is related to the brand new Activity, specially from a special helper. Watch the video and then read the PDF file:

Download PDF

Now the challenges:
This time we have more work to do. Remember to send me those you can do, I will answer all your request and suggestions.
Download PDF

jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017

Checkmate & More

Here we are again,

I am really happy with your feed-back; I guess you enjoy the activities…
And now it is time to a new one.

Actually 2 new ones.

The first one for beginners:

You can send me your pictures or in a piece of paper your solutions:

In this game the white pieces can give "Check" in many different ways.

Can you write down the coordinates of the white pieces giving Check?

  ____ - ____ & ____ - ____

 ____ - ____& ____ - ____

 ____ - ____& ____ - ____

Can you write down the coordinates of the white pieces giving Check?

I post you a table you can copy it and being creative drawing and coloring the pieces.

I am pretty sure you can.

The second activity is for everybody but maybe you need the help of a person who can play chess.

I dare you to solve these four Exercises:

A)  Who has the best position and why?

White or black ones…

White pieces because:_____________________________________________

Black pieces because: _____________________________________________

B)  …and in this one?

Tell me why.

White pieces because:_____________________________________________

Black pieces because: _____________________________________________

C)  Choose and justify between the White Knight or the Black Bishop.

White knight because:_____________________________________________

Black bishop because: _____________________________________________

D) Which Bishop would you like the most?
The B-d3 or the B-d7

White bishop because:_____________________________________________

Black bishop because: _____________________________________________

To solve these problems try to use your chess board and pieces and play the game against yourself or a mate.

Good luck and enjoy with explorajake.blogspot.com.es and remember to send me your impressions and solutions by email explorajake@gmail.com or via Whassap to 616097872

1st of the 8th season (October 10th)

Hello, everybody this is Profesor Jake and welcome back to a new season. For children, chess is a stimulating and fun activity. For parents ...